Masters Research – EMU

What is EMU?

Emu is the name of a body of research by project undertaken between 1994 and 2002 by Masters by Project Candidate David Cox at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Masters Program of the Centre for Animation and Interactive Multimedia.

EMU stands for “Electronically Mediated Urb” where “Urb” is an abbreviation of “urban space”. This CD-ROM based web site comprises the project notes and diary for the events surrounding the project, which set itself the task of identifying what aspects of urban planning and architecture are relevant when designing multi-user online shared ‘environments’. This site looks at examples of work from MIT Media Lab, New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, Beam Software, Digital Cities Amsterdam, Geocities, Alphaworld and other sources.

A durable visual record from 2003 of EMU (originally submitted as a CD-ROM) is cached here: